New Feature: Advanced Onboarding

Henry Hertoghe
CTO & Cofounder

At Chift, one of our key objectives is to make the user journey to activate an onboarding straightforward. We believe that integrations are not only a technical challenge. For most users, it’s already difficult to activate an integration due to the lack of documentation, the difficulty in finding the credentials & even due to the fact that often more than one users need to be involved in the process.

Since the beginning, we have focused on making this user experience a key aspect of our product. Based on feedback from our users, we found out that when you offer an end-to-end integration flow (what we call a sync, e.g. connecting a POS system to the accounting), multiple users are involved in the process because the credentials & knowledge to configure the integrations are not owned by one person. For our POS use-case:

  • It’s the entrepreneur that will have access to his POS software
  • It’s the accountant who will have access to his accounting tool and who will know how to configure taxes & accounts.

But this issue happens in many more use cases and even when you want to connect one software you are not always the user with the required permissions.

This is why we added a new feature to allow working with different users on the activation process of one integration with a focus on keeping the process secure, simple, and traceable.

Let’s illustrate this with some screenshots to give you an idea of what it looks like:

⇒ When you want to activate an integration, you have the possibility to invite an external user to your process

⇒ The external user receives an email asking him to complete the integration

⇒ By clicking on complete the integration, the external user is redirected to the same page where he can complete the connection process.

⇒ The owner of the integrations receives a notification that the integration was completed

⇒ An audit log is kept of all the actions performed by each user

We are very proud of this new feature and we believe it will help a lot of people ease the pain of activating an integration. It’s only one of the many features that we have in mind to help our users to connect without losing their hair. Stay tuned for more.

If you want to know more about this feature, don’t hesitate to chat with us …

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Henry Hertoghe
CTO & Cofounder
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